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Showing posts from April, 2019

SmartEdit & its Personalization in Hybris

SmartEdit introduced  in 6.0 Hybris version and  Personalization (based on SmartEdit)  enabled in 6.1 Hybris version Onwards . SAP Commerce SmartEdit allows content managers to easily create and manage their website content on-the-fly in different inflection points and make it available to their customers with the click of a button. Personalization (based on SmartEdit) provides an integrated, user-friendly way of building experiences that are relevant to your customers, which is key to driving engagement and conversion.  Personalization encompasses modules and extensions that facilitate using Personalization Mode in SmartEdit to create a fully customized user experience. Personalization capabilities work across both content and commerce in an integrated way, so that you can build customer experiences consistently across channels and functionality. Using SmartEdit for Customer Experience, you can see the end-customer experience as you build it, all the while working in one set o

Compliance and Regulation in Commerce

The below section will take care of some of the critical considerations when designing any commerce platform. This is not a comprehensive list though. Data Privacy and Protection   -  This is a crucial decision to keep customer data protected against all odds. There are several data protection and privacy compliance for all types of customer data, specially important in financial, healthcare, and social integration scenarios. Cambridge Analytica’s use of data from Facebook to influence US election in 2016 was a massive issue and questioning all the social media sites about how they treat with customer personal data. Few important directions are   Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC of 24 October 1995, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), United States Privacy Act, Safe Harbor Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)   to name a few. Basically for any platform to be deployed in India,   Information Technology Act, 2000   is important. Recent

E Commerce New landscape : Intelligent & Contextual Commerce.

Contextual and Intelligent commerce goes beyond leveraging impulse purchasing and with this, commerce platforms can now understand contextual information and human senses which includes Visual, Voice, Touch, Sentiments etc. Although, the technology is still emerging online, applications of this concept are already being seen in real-world examples. Some of the most important elements are – Voice Activated :   Alternative to using a keyboard and mouse to browse, order and purchase products online. All the customer needs to search and buy something online using voice commands. Some of the   voice Activated products   are - Apple’s Siri, Google’s Assistant, Microsoft’s Cortana, Amazon’s Alexa.   Open-source tool   recently been introduced and can be used for integrating eCommerce with voice-enable assistants is   VoiceCommerce.js   ,   Open Assistant . Technologies Behind :   Natural Language Processing(NLP), Natural Language generation (NLG),Speech Recognition(ASR, TTS

Business Terms in Ecommerce

Dropship   : This is a concept often used interchangeably with “Marketplace” though it is a complete different concept. Here any retailer can sell branded goods online without owning the inventory, the manufacturer/distributor will have the responsibility to fulfill the order from its inventory/warehouse. This is a different concept than Marketplace. So, please be careful in designing the solution when client wants to support drop shippers. If client comes up a requirement against marketplace, clarify if this is dropship or marketplace. The merchant platform will greater responsibility if drop-shipping needs to be handled. [ Got reference in Aditya Birla retail and Harley-Davidson ] Dark Store   : A very specific concept for fulfilling direct to home or online orders from particular warehouse/inventory only. This focuses on not having multiple warehouses to manage the fulfillment. [ Got reference in Carrefour BE ] Milk run   : A popularized concept to aggregate multiple del

Performance Improvement in Hybris eCommerce

Below points will specially help   grocery   based projects where adding   50-60 products per cart   is a common trend and where   complex promotions   are used using   drools   engine. Add/Update to cart     à   In OOB Hybris whenever any new product is added to cart or quantity of existing product is updated in cart (from PLP, PDP, Search page etc) then calculateCart() method is called in order to calculate total price of the cart. This call can be prevented (to increase   performance ) in case the business requirement is to just show notification of add to cart without total price in minicart. View Cart   à   In case 50-60 products are added in cart and approx. 30% of the products have promotions applied then OOB Hybris view cart can take between 10-15 seconds to load (based on complexity of promotion). In order to avoid custom waiting 10-15 sec to see view cart this operation of can be split into below 3 steps so that every 3-4 seconds rendering of data starts and custom

Use of PartOf in Hybris

Definition PartOf modifier is used to define the aggregation relationship between Parent and Child objects. To explain it better I would say PartOf is used to defining cascade delete.  When we delete a Parent object then all its child objects(partOf) will be deleted automatically. Why or When to use PartOf? PartOf may make sense when the relationship involves "is part of" description. For example, an OrderEntry record(AbstractOrderEntry) is part of its parent Order(AbstractOrder), and older entries will never be shared between multiple orders. If the Order were to vanish, the OrderEntry should as well, and an order entry without an Order would be a problem. How to use PartOf? Looking into the following items.xml snippet we can able to understand the importance of PartOf This also can be defined at the attribute level. Like <itemtype code="User" extends="Principal" jaloclass="de.hybris.platform.jalo